Our Planning Approach

At Prostrollo Wealth Advisors, we want our clients to plan today for their dreams tomorrow and help them act as stewards of their finances. Our planning approach can help you leave a lasting legacy for those you care about and enjoy your well-earned Golden Years.

Our planning approach includes:

  1. Gathering information and reviewing past experiences and future expectations of investing.
  2. Listening to and planning for your objectives and concerns. We will dive deeper into what you want to see for yourself and your family.
  3. Presentation of a retirement cash flow model, including multiple “what if” scenarios to assure we are adequately preparing for your future. Some of these may include an early retirement, buying a second home, or setting up gifting strategies.
  4. Reviewing your plan to keep up with market and life changes. Your plan is designed to grow with you over the years, not sit on a shelf and collect dust.
We will listen, discuss, plan, and solve your financial concerns together as a team. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation discussion.